H. Sharvit, R. Karl and T. Beatus, A deep inverse-mapping model for a flapping robotic wing, ICLR 2025 (accepted)​
Y. Flato, R. Harel, A. Tamar, R. Nathan and T. Beatus, Revealing principles of autonomous thermal soaring in windy conditions using vulture-inspired deep reinforcement-learning, Nature Communications, 15, 4942 (2024)
R. Maya, N. Lerner, O. Ben-Dov, A. Pons and T. Beatus, A hull reconstruction-reprojection method for pose estimation of free-flying fruit flies, The Journal of Experimental Biology, 226, 21 (2023)
I. Perl, R. Maya, O. Sabag and T. Beatus, Lateral instability in fruit flies is determined by wing-wing interaction and wing elevation kinematics, Physics of Fluids, 35, 041904 (2023)
A. Pons, I. Perl, O. Ben-Dov, R. Maya and T. Beatus, Solving the thoracic inverse problem in the fruit fly, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 18, 046002 (2023)
A. Pons and T. Beatus, Band-type resonance: non-discrete energetically-optimal resonant states, Nonlinear Dynamics (2023).
O. Ben-Dov and T-Beatus, Model-Based Tracking of Fruit Flies in Free Flight, Insects 13 (11) 1018 (2022)
A. Pons and T. Beatus, Work-loop techniques for optimizing nonlinear forced oscillators, 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2022).
A. Pons and T. Beatus, Distinct forms of resonant optimality within insect indirect flight motors, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19, 20220080 (2022)
N. Reddy Pamudurti, I. L. Patop, A. Krishnamoorthy, O. Bartok, R. Maya, N. Lerner, R. Ashwall-Fluss, J. V. V. Konakondla, T. Beatus and Sebastian Kadener, circMbl functions in cis and in trans to regulate gene expression and physiology in a tissue-specific fashion, Cell Reports 39 (4), 110740 (2022)
A. Pons and T. Beatus, Elastic-bound conditions for energetically-optimal elasticity and their implications for biomimetic propulsion systems, Nonlinear Dynamics 108 (2), 2045-2074 (2022)
J. E. Cohen, V. Goldman, Y. Farraj, A. Buxboim, Y. Mintz, E. Fried, G. Levy, T. Beatus, and Y. Kan-Tor, Patent: Device and method for determination of pupil size in a subject having closed eyelids, US Patent No. US11684255B2
Y. Farraj* ,A. Buxboim*, Jose E. Cohen, Y. Kan-Tor, S. Glasner, D. Weiss, V. Goldman, and T. Beatus, Measuring pupil size and light response through closed eyelids, Biomedical Optics Express 12, 6485-6495 (2021)
H. Achache, R. Falk, N. Lerner, T. Beatus, and Yonatan B. Tzur, Oocyte Aging is Controlled by Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Signaling, Aging Cell e13386. (2021)
I. Cohen, S. C. Whitehead and T. Beatus, Fluid dynamics and control of insect flight, Nature Reviews Physics (2019)
N.R. Pamudurti, V. V. Konakondla-Jacob, A. Krishnamoorthy, R. Ashwal-Fluss, O. Bartok, S. Wüst, K. Seitz, R. Maya, N. Lerner, I. L. Patop, S. Rizzoli, T. Beatus and S. Kadener, An in vivo knockdown strategy reveals developmental and physiological function of circRNAs, bioRxiv 483271 (2019)
T. Beatus, I. Shani, R. Bar-Ziv and T. Tlusty, Two-dimensional flow of driven particles: a microfluidic pathway to the non-equilibrium frontier Chemical Society Reviews, 46 (18), 5620-5646 (2017)
P. S. Shamble, R. R. Hoy, I. Cohen and T. Beatus, Walking like an ant: a quantitative and experimental approach to understanding locomotor mimicry in the jumping spider Myrmarachne formicaria Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284, 20170308 (2017), open access PDF
News coverage of this work includes pieces in Science Magazine, The New Scientist, The Cornell Chronicle and The Harvard Gazette (including more movies)
P. S. Shamble*, G. Menda*, J. R. Golden, E. I. Nitzani, K. Walden, T. Beatus, D. O. Elias, I. Cohen, R. N. Miles, and R. R. Hoy, Airborne Acoustic Perception by a Jumping Spider Current Biology, 26, 21, 2913-3920 (2016) (* Equal contributors)
S. C. Whitehead*, T. Beatus*, L. Canale, and I. Cohen, Pitch Perfect: How Fruit Flies Control their Body Pitch Angle The Journal of Experimental Biology, 122622 (2015), (* Equal contributors)
T. Beatus and I. Cohen, Wing-pitch modulation in maneuvering fruit flies is explained by an interplay between aerodynamics and a torsional spring Physical Review E 92, 022712 (2015)
T. Beatus, J. M. Guckenheimer and I. Cohen, Controlling roll perturbations in fruit Flies Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12:20150075 (2015)
I. Shani, T. Beatus, R. Bar-Ziv and T. Tlusty, Long-range orientational order in 2D microfluidic dipoles Nature Physics, 10, 140-144, (2014) news and views
H. Solomon, Y. Buganim, I. Kogan-Sakin, L. Pomeraniec, Y. Assia, S. Madar,I. Goldstein, R. Brosh. E. Kalo, T. Beatus, N. Goldfinger and V. Rotter, Various p53 mutant types differently regulate the Ras circuit to induce a cancer-related gene signature Journal of Cell Science, 125, 3144–3152 (2012)
T. Beatus, R. Bar-Ziv and T. Tlusty, The physics of 2D microfluidic droplet ensembles Physics Reports, 516, 103–145 (2012)
A. Amir, S. Meshner, T. Beatus and J. Stavans, Damped oscillations in the adaptive response of the iron homeostasis network in e.coli Molecular Microbiology, 76, 2, 428–436 (2010)
T. Beatus, T. Tlusty and R. Bar-Ziv, Burgers Shockwaves and sound in a 2D microfluidic droplets ensemble
Physical Review Letters, 103, 114502 (2009)
T. Beatus, R. Bar-Ziv and T. Tlusty, One-Dimensional Microfluidic Crystals Far From Equilibrium – Acoustic Phonons, Instabilities and Confinement Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 175, 123-130 (2008)
L. Nissim, T. Beatus and R. Bar-Ziv, An autonomous system for identifying and governing a cell's state in yeast
Physical Biology, 4, 154–163 (2007)
T. Beatus, R. Bar-Ziv and T. Tlusty, Anomalous microfluidic phonons induced by the interplay of hydrodynamic screening and incompressibility Physical Review Letters, 99, 124502 (2007)
T. Beatus, T. Tlusty and R. Bar-Ziv, Phonons in a one-dimensional microfluidic crystal
Nature Physics, 2, 743–748 (2006), news & views
This paper has been selected by Nature Physics as a paper of special merit among the papers published during the first decade of the journal, see Nature Physics, 11, p305 (2015)